Tuesday, November 21, 2006


strangers transcribing thoughts, virtual friends, text buddies, familiar voices, where are you?

on an aeroplane, mohijto meets old monk at the park, warning before kissing you, where are you?

heady romance, noxious anticipation, furious need, where are you?

saturday in your room, lazy conversation, hungry looks, yum lunch, where are you?

pent passion versus innocuous nap: no combat, sweaty brows, perfect union, where are you?

hypothetical situations, spiraling everywhere, belly laughs, your polite best friend, where are you?

walking in the drizzle, the future, the past, snaps, two soft toys, where are you?

arms entwined, eyes two inches apart, seeking less distance, where are you?

brave masks, deep sighs, held back feelings, come back soon, where are you?

Monday, November 20, 2006

It started with u expressing resentment about me not giving you enough time, about my life being too busy with my own stuff. Went onto my every other reaction being rude and abrasive. Led up to u stopping to look at your actions and focusing on the negatives of mine. Got compounded when u started leaving the kitchen in an oblivious mess even if all u wanted was to drum up concoctions to preserve your youth. And then the TV went away from me. The living room followed to become an extension of your wardrobe. The only place I could stay in the house and not engage with you ended up being the comp. Seeking refuge in it, I try to protect my privacy by sharing my life with strangers…

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