Friday, August 08, 2008



I come in myriad ways, seen and unseen, happy and sad, light and dark, expected and by surprise and knock at your conscience, giving a peek of pleasures untold and happiness waiting to be experienced.

Holding in my hand greener grass, the potential of a better trip, waiting for your mind to get fucked… for you to become weak and not want to conform, for your better judgment and sanity to give way… for you to want to be swept away by me and want nothing else but to cross over and embrace me.

Fight as much as you will, you cant deny that without me your life would be placid vanilla, flat, and almost unreal. Try and avoid me as much as you want to, look away if you can, pretend I am not here, wait for me to fade away, disappear, become naught…

You will still need the me-inspired racing heart to ensure that systems are going well, to feel hope, to feel alive.


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